Fast Consensus via the Unconstrained Undecided State Dynamics

by   Gregor Bankhamer, et al.

We consider the plurality consensus problem among n agents. Initially, each agent has one of k different opinions. Agents choose random interaction partners and revise their state according to a fixed transition function, depending on their own state and the state of the interaction partners. The goal is to reach a consensus configuration in which all agents agree on the same opinion, and if there is initially a sufficiently large bias towards one opinion, that opinion should prevail. We analyze a synchronized variant of the undecided state dynamics defined as follows. The agents act in phases, consisting of a decision and a boosting part. In the decision part, any agent that encounters an agent with a different opinion becomes undecided. In the boosting part, undecided agents adopt the first opinion they encounter. We consider this dynamics in the population model and the gossip model. For the population model, our protocol reaches consensus (w.h.p.) in O(log^2 n) parallel time, providing the first polylogarithmic result for k > 2 (w.h.p.) in this model. Without any assumption on the bias, fast consensus has only been shown for k = 2 for the unsynchronized version of the undecided state dynamics [Clementi et al., MFCS'18]. We show that the synchronized variant of the undecided state dynamics reaches consensus (w.h.p.) in time O(log^2 n), independently of the initial number, bias, or distribution of opinions. In both models, we guarantee that if there is an initial bias of Ω(√(n log n)), then (w.h.p.) that opinion wins. A simple extension of our protocol in the gossip model yields a dynamics that does not depend on n or k, is anonymous, and has (w.h.p.) runtime O(log^2 n). This solves an open problem formulated by Becchetti et al. [Distributed Computing, 2017].


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