Factorised Neural Relational Inference for Multi-Interaction Systems
Many complex natural and cultural phenomena are well modelled by systems of simple interactions between particles. A number of architectures have been developed to articulate this kind of structure, both implicitly and explicitly. We consider an unsupervised explicit model, the NRI model, and make a series of representational adaptations and physically motivated changes. Most notably we factorise the inferred latent interaction graph into a multiplex graph, allowing each layer to encode for a different interaction-type. This fNRI model is smaller in size and significantly outperforms the original in both edge and trajectory prediction, establishing a new state-of-the-art. We also present a simplified variant of our model, which demonstrates the NRI's formulation as a variational auto-encoder is not necessary for good performance, and make an adaptation to the NRI's training routine, significantly improving its ability to model complex physical dynamical systems.