Face Detection on Mobile: Five Implementations and Analysis
In many practical cases face detection on smartphones or other highly portable devices is a necessity. Applications include mobile face access control systems, driver status tracking, emotion recognition, etc. Mobile devices have limited processing power and should have long-enough battery life even with face detection application running. Thus, striking the right balance between algorithm quality and complexity is crucial. In this work we adapt 5 algorithms to mobile. These algorithms are based on handcrafted or neural-network-based features and include: Viola-Jones (Haar cascade), LBP, HOG, MTCNN, BlazeFace. We analyze inference time of these algorithms on different devices with different input image resolutions. We provide guidance, which algorithms are the best fit for mobile face access control systems and potentially other mobile applications. Interestingly, we note that cascaded algorithms perform faster on scenes without faces, while BlazeFace is slower on empty scenes. Exploiting this behavior might be useful in practice.