Extreme Classification in Log Memory

by   Qixuan Huang, et al.

We present Merged-Averaged Classifiers via Hashing (MACH) for K-classification with ultra-large values of K. Compared to traditional one-vs-all classifiers that require O(Kd) memory and inference cost, MACH only need O(d log K) (d is dimensionality )memory while only requiring O(K log K + d log K) operation for inference. MACH is a generic K-classification algorithm, with provably theoretical guarantees, which requires O(log K) memory without any assumption on the relationship between classes. MACH uses universal hashing to reduce classification with a large number of classes to few independent classification tasks with small (constant) number of classes. We provide theoretical quantification of discriminability-memory tradeoff. With MACH we can train ODP dataset with 100,000 classes and 400,000 features on a single Titan X GPU, with the classification accuracy of 19.28 best-reported accuracy on this dataset. Before this work, the best performing baseline is a one-vs-all classifier that requires 40 billion parameters (160 GB model size) and achieves 9 with 480x reduction in the model size (of mere 0.3GB). With MACH, we also demonstrate complete training of fine-grained imagenet dataset (compressed size 104GB), with 21,000 classes, on a single GPU. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to demonstrate complete training of these extreme-class datasets on a single Titan X.


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