Exploring Deep Learning for Full-disk Solar Flare Prediction with Empirical Insights from Guided Grad-CAM Explanations

by   Chetraj Pandey, et al.

This study progresses solar flare prediction research by presenting a full-disk deep-learning model to forecast ≥M-class solar flares and evaluating its efficacy on both central (within ±70^∘) and near-limb (beyond ±70^∘) events, showcasing qualitative assessment of post hoc explanations for the model's predictions, and providing empirical findings from human-centered quantitative assessments of these explanations. Our model is trained using hourly full-disk line-of-sight magnetogram images to predict ≥M-class solar flares within the subsequent 24-hour prediction window. Additionally, we apply the Guided Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Guided Grad-CAM) attribution method to interpret our model's predictions and evaluate the explanations. Our analysis unveils that full-disk solar flare predictions correspond with active region characteristics. The following points represent the most important findings of our study: (1) Our deep learning models achieved an average true skill statistic (TSS) of ∼0.51 and a Heidke skill score (HSS) of ∼0.38, exhibiting skill to predict solar flares where for central locations the average recall is ∼0.75 (recall values for X- and M-class are 0.95 and 0.73 respectively) and for the near-limb flares the average recall is ∼0.52 (recall values for X- and M-class are 0.74 and 0.50 respectively); (2) qualitative examination of the model's explanations reveals that it discerns and leverages features linked to active regions in both central and near-limb locations within full-disk magnetograms to produce respective predictions. In essence, our models grasp the shape and texture-based properties of flaring active regions, even in proximity to limb areas – a novel and essential capability with considerable significance for operational forecasting systems.


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