Exploring Computational Complexity Of Ride-Pooling Problems

by   Usman Akhtar, et al.

Ride-pooling is computationally challenging. The number of feasible rides grows with the number of travelers and the degree (capacity of the vehicle to perform a pooled ride) and quickly explodes to the sizes making the problem not solvable analytically. In practice, heuristics are applied to limit the number of searches, e.g., maximal detour and delay, or (like we use in this study) attractive rides (for which detour and delay are at least compensated with the discount). Nevertheless, the challenge to solve the ride-pooling remains strongly sensitive to the problem settings. Here, we explore it in more detail and provide an experimental underpinning to this open research problem. We trace how the size of the search space and computation time needed to solve the ride-pooling problem grows with the increasing demand and greater discounts offered for pooling. We run over 100 practical experiments in Amsterdam with 10-minute batches of trip requests up to 3600 trips per hour and trace how challenging it is to propose the solution to the pooling problem with our ExMAS algorithm. We observed strong, non-linear trends and identified the limits beyond which the problem exploded and our algorithm failed to compute. Notably, we found that the demand level (number of trip requests) is less critical than the discount. The search space grows exponentially and quickly reaches huge levels. However, beyond some level, the greater size of the ride-pooling problem does not translate into greater efficiency of pooling. Which opens the opportunity for further search space reductions.


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