Exploring Annotation-free Image Captioning with Retrieval-augmented Pseudo Sentence Generation

by   Zhiyuan Li, et al.

Training an image captioner without annotated image-sentence pairs has gained traction in recent years. Previous approaches can be categorized into two strategies: crawling sentences from mismatching corpora and aligning them with the given images as pseudo annotations, or pre-training the captioner using external image-text pairs. However, the aligning setting seems to reach its performance limit due to the quality problem of pairs, and pre-training requires significant computational resources. To address these challenges, we propose a new strategy “LPM + retrieval-augmented learning" where the prior knowledge from large pre-trained models (LPMs) is leveraged as supervision, and a retrieval process is integrated to further reinforce its effectiveness. Specifically, we introduce Retrieval-augmented Pseudo Sentence Generation (RaPSG), which adopts an efficient approach to retrieve highly relevant short region descriptions from the mismatching corpora and use them to generate a variety of pseudo sentences with distinct representations as well as high quality via LPMs. In addition, a fluency filter and a CLIP-guided training objective are further introduced to facilitate model optimization. Experimental results demonstrate that our method surpasses the SOTA pre-training model (Flamingo3B) by achieving a CIDEr score of 78.1 (+5.1) while utilizing only 0.3 eliminates the need of computationally expensive pre-training processes on external datasets (e.g., the requirement of 312M image-text pairs for Flamingo3B). We further show that with a simple extension, the generated pseudo sentences can be deployed as weak supervision to boost the 1 image caption benchmark up to 93.4 CIDEr score (+8.9) which showcases the versatility and effectiveness of our approach.


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