Exploring and Characterizing Large Language Models For Embedded System Development and Debugging

by   Zachary Englhardt, et al.

Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable abilities to generate code, however their ability to develop software for embedded systems, which requires cross-domain knowledge of hardware and software has not been studied. In this paper we systematically evaluate leading LLMs (GPT-3.5, GPT-4, PaLM 2) to assess their performance for embedded system development, study how human programmers interact with these tools, and develop an AI-based software engineering workflow for building embedded systems. We develop an an end-to-end hardware-in-the-loop evaluation platform for verifying LLM generated programs using sensor actuator pairs. We compare all three models with N=450 experiments and find surprisingly that GPT-4 especially shows an exceptional level of cross-domain understanding and reasoning, in some cases generating fully correct programs from a single prompt. In N=50 trials, GPT-4 produces functional I2C interfaces 66 register-level drivers, code for LoRa communication, and context-specific power optimizations for an nRF52 program resulting in over 740x current reduction to 12.2 uA. We also characterize the models' limitations to develop a generalizable workflow for using LLMs in embedded system development. We evaluate the workflow with 15 users including novice and expert programmers. We find that our workflow improves productivity for all users and increases the success rate for building a LoRa environmental sensor from 25 including for users with zero hardware or C/C++ experience.


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