Exploiting Computation Power of Blockchain for Biomedical Image Segmentation

by   Boyang Li, et al.

Biomedical image segmentation based on Deep neuralnetwork (DNN) is a promising approach that assists clin-ical diagnosis. This approach demands enormous com-putation power because these DNN models are compli-cated, and the size of the training data is usually very huge.As blockchain technology based on Proof-of-Work (PoW)has been widely used, an immense amount of computationpower is consumed to maintain the PoW consensus. Inthis paper, we propose a design to exploit the computationpower of blockchain miners for biomedical image segmen-tation, which lets miners perform image segmentation as theProof-of-Useful-Work (PoUW) instead of calculating use-less hash values. This work distinguishes itself from otherPoUW by addressing various limitations of related others.As the overhead evaluation shown in Section 5 indicates,for U-net and FCN, the average overhead of digital sig-nature is 1.25 seconds and 0.98 seconds, respectively, andthe average overhead of network is 3.77 seconds and 3.01seconds, respectively. These quantitative experiment resultsprove that the overhead of the digital signature and networkis small and comparable to other existing PoUW designs.


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