Explainable machine learning to enable high-throughput electrical conductivity optimization of doped conjugated polymers

by   Ji Wei Yoon, et al.

The combination of high-throughput experimentation techniques and machine learning (ML) has recently ushered in a new era of accelerated material discovery, enabling the identification of materials with cutting-edge properties. However, the measurement of certain physical quantities remains challenging to automate. Specifically, meticulous process control, experimentation and laborious measurements are required to achieve optimal electrical conductivity in doped polymer materials. We propose a ML approach, which relies on readily measured absorbance spectra, to accelerate the workflow associated with measuring electrical conductivity. The first ML model (classification model), accurately classifies samples with a conductivity > 25 to 100 S/cm, achieving a maximum of 100 highly conductive samples, we employed a second ML model (regression model), to predict their conductivities, yielding an impressive test R2 value of 0.984. To validate the approach, we showed that the models, neither trained on the samples with the two highest conductivities of 498 and 506 S/cm, were able to, in an extrapolative manner, correctly classify and predict them at satisfactory levels of errors. The proposed ML workflow results in an improvement in the efficiency of the conductivity measurements by 89 using our experimental techniques. Furthermore, our approach addressed the common challenge of the lack of explainability in ML models by exploiting bespoke mathematical properties of the descriptors and ML model, allowing us to gain corroborated insights into the spectral influences on conductivity. Through this study, we offer an accelerated pathway for optimizing the properties of doped polymer materials while showcasing the valuable insights that can be derived from purposeful utilization of ML in experimental science.


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