Explainable GeoAI: Can saliency maps help interpret artificial intelligence's learning process? An empirical study on natural feature detection

by   Chia-Yu Hsu, et al.

Improving the interpretability of geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI) models has become critically important to open the "black box" of complex AI models, such as deep learning. This paper compares popular saliency map generation techniques and their strengths and weaknesses in interpreting GeoAI and deep learning models' reasoning behaviors, particularly when applied to geospatial analysis and image processing tasks. We surveyed two broad classes of model explanation methods: perturbation-based and gradient-based methods. The former identifies important image areas, which help machines make predictions by modifying a localized area of the input image. The latter evaluates the contribution of every single pixel of the input image to the model's prediction results through gradient backpropagation. In this study, three algorithms-the occlusion method, the integrated gradients method, and the class activation map method-are examined for a natural feature detection task using deep learning. The algorithms' strengths and weaknesses are discussed, and the consistency between model-learned and human-understandable concepts for object recognition is also compared. The experiments used two GeoAI-ready datasets to demonstrate the generalizability of the research findings.


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