Experiences from Using Code Explanations Generated by Large Language Models in a Web Software Development E-Book

by   Stephen MacNeil, et al.

Advances in natural language processing have resulted in large language models (LLMs) that are capable of generating understandable and sensible written text. Recent versions of these models, such as OpenAI Codex and GPT-3, can generate code and code explanations. However, it is unclear whether and how students might engage with such explanations. In this paper, we report on our experiences generating multiple code explanation types using LLMs and integrating them into an interactive e-book on web software development. We modified the e-book to make LLM-generated code explanations accessible through buttons next to code snippets in the materials, which allowed us to track the use of the explanations as well as to ask for feedback on their utility. Three different types of explanations were available for students for each explainable code snippet; a line-by-line explanation, a list of important concepts, and a high-level summary of the code. Our preliminary results show that all varieties of explanations were viewed by students and that the majority of students perceived the code explanations as helpful to them. However, student engagement appeared to vary by code snippet complexity, explanation type, and code snippet length. Drawing on our experiences, we discuss future directions for integrating explanations generated by LLMs into existing computer science classrooms.


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