Examining and Mitigating Kernel Saturation in Convolutional Neural Networks using Negative Images

by   Nidhi Gowdra, et al.

Neural saturation in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) has been studied extensively, but remains relatively unexplored in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Understanding and alleviating the effects of convolutional kernel saturation is critical for enhancing CNN models classification accuracies. In this paper, we analyze the effect of convolutional kernel saturation in CNNs and propose a simple data augmentation technique to mitigate saturation and increase classification accuracy, by supplementing negative images to the training dataset. We hypothesize that greater semantic feature information can be extracted using negative images since they have the same structural information as standard images but differ in their data representations. Varied data representations decrease the probability of kernel saturation and thus increase the effectiveness of kernel weight updates. The two datasets selected to evaluate our hypothesis were CIFAR- 10 and STL-10 as they have similar image classes but differ in image resolutions thus making for a better understanding of the saturation phenomenon. MNIST dataset was used to highlight the ineffectiveness of the technique for linearly separable data. The ResNet CNN architecture was chosen since the skip connections in the network ensure the most important features contributing the most to classification accuracy are retained. Our results show that CNNs are indeed susceptible to convolutional kernel saturation and that supplementing negative images to the training dataset can offer a statistically significant increase in classification accuracies when compared against models trained on the original datasets. Our results present accuracy increases of 6.98 CIFAR-10 datasets respectively.


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