Evaluating ChatGPT's Performance for Multilingual and Emoji-based Hate Speech Detection

by   Mithun Das, et al.

Hate speech is a severe issue that affects many online platforms. So far, several studies have been performed to develop robust hate speech detection systems. Large language models like ChatGPT have recently shown a great promise in performing several tasks, including hate speech detection. However, it is crucial to comprehend the limitations of these models to build robust hate speech detection systems. To bridge this gap, our study aims to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the ChatGPT model in detecting hate speech at a granular level across 11 languages. Our evaluation employs a series of functionality tests that reveals various intricate failures of the model which the aggregate metrics like macro F1 or accuracy are not able to unfold. In addition, we investigate the influence of complex emotions, such as the use of emojis in hate speech, on the performance of the ChatGPT model. Our analysis highlights the shortcomings of the generative models in detecting certain types of hate speech and highlighting the need for further research and improvements in the workings of these models.


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