Euclidean Matchings in Ultra-Dense Networks

In order to study the fundamental limits of network densification, we look at the spatial spectral efficiency gain achieved when densely deployed communication devices embedded in the d-dimensional Euclidean space are optimally `matched' in near-neighbour pairs. In light of recent success in probabilisitc modelling, we study devices distributed uniformly at random in the unit cube which enter into one-on-one contracts with each another. This is known in statistical physics as an Euclidean `matching'. Communication channels each have their own maximal data capacity given by Shannon's theorem. The length of the shortest matching then corresponds to the maximum one-hop capacity on those points. Interference is then added as a further constraint, which is modelled using shapes as guard regions, such as a disk, diametral disk, or equilateral triangle, matched to points, in a similar light to computational geometry. The disk, for example, produces the Delaunay triangulation, while the diametral disk produces a beta-skeleton. We also discuss deriving the scaling limit of both models using the replica method from the physics of disordered systems.


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