Estimating Meetings' Air Flight CO_2 Equivalent Emissions An Illustrative Example with IETF meetings

by   Daniel Migault, et al.

These notes describe CO2eq a tool that estimates CO_2 equivalent emissions associated with air traffic and applies it to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), an international standard developing organization that meets 3 times a year. CO2eq estimates that the participation to IETF meetings (by a single participant) generates as much CO_2 equivalent as the CO_2 emissions per capita of European countries generating their energy using coal – like Germany or Poland for example. This suggests some radical changes should be considered by the IETF. According to the conclusion of the 26^th Conference of the Parties (COP26) from the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres; in 2021, the number of meetings should be limited to a maximum of one meeting per year. In addition, the incorporation of sustainability principles into the IETF's strategy, should include, for example, increasing the effort to enhance the experience of 'remote' participation as well as adhering to programs (such as for example the United Nations Global Compact and the caring for climate initiative) to align its strategy and report progress toward sustainability.


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