Error estimates for harmonic and biharmonic interpolation splines with annular geometry

by   Ognyan Kounchev, et al.

The main result in this paper is an error estimate for interpolation biharmonic polysplines in an annulus A( r_1,r_N), with respect to a partition by concentric annular domains A( r_1 ,r_2) , ...., A( r_N-1,r_N) , for radii 0<r_1<....<r_N. The biharmonic polysplines interpolate a smooth function on the spheres | x| =r_j for j=1,...,N and satisfy natural boundary conditions for | x| =r_1 and | x| =r_N. By analogy with a technique in one-dimensional spline theory established by C. de Boor, we base our proof on error estimates for harmonic interpolation splines with respect to the partition by the annuli A( r_j-1,r_j). For these estimates it is important to determine the smallest constant c( Ω) , where Ω=A( r_j-1,r_j) , among all constants c satisfying sup_x∈Ω| f( x) |≤ csup _x∈Ω|Δ f( x) | for all f∈ C^2( Ω) ∩ C( Ω) vanishing on the boundary of the bounded domain Ω . In this paper we describe c( Ω) for an annulus Ω=A( r,R) and we will give the estimate min{1/2d,1/8}( R-r) ^2≤ c( A( r,R) ) ≤max{1/2d,1/8}( R-r) ^2 dimension of the underlying space.


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