EPPAC: Entity Pre-typing Relation Classification with Prompt AnswerCentralizing

by   Jiejun Tan, et al.

Relation classification (RC) aims to predict the relationship between a pair of subject and object in a given context. Recently, prompt tuning approaches have achieved high performance in RC. However, existing prompt tuning approaches have the following issues: (1) numerous categories decrease RC performance; (2) manually designed prompts require intensive labor. To address these issues, a novel paradigm, Entity Pre-typing Relation Classification with Prompt Answer Centralizing(EPPAC) is proposed in this paper. The entity pre-tying in EPPAC is presented to address the first issue using a double-level framework that pre-types entities before RC and prompt answer centralizing is proposed to address the second issue. Extensive experiments show that our proposed EPPAC outperformed state-of-the-art approaches on TACRED and TACREV by 14.4 Materials.


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