Envisioning an Inclusive Metaverse: Student Perspectives on Accessible and Empowering Metaverse-Enabled Learning

by   Reza Hadi Mogavi, et al.

The emergence of the metaverse is being widely viewed as a revolutionary technology owing to a myriad of factors, particularly the potential to increase the accessibility of learning for students with disabilities. However, not much is yet known about the views and expectations of disabled students in this regard. The fact that the metaverse is still in its nascent stage exemplifies the need for such timely discourse. To bridge this important gap, we conducted a series of semi-structured interviews with 56 university students with disabilities in the United States and Hong Kong to understand their views and expectations concerning the future of metaverse-driven education. We have distilled student expectations into five thematic categories, referred to as the REEPS framework: Recognition, Empowerment, Engagement, Privacy, and Safety. Additionally, we have summarized the main design considerations in eight concise points. This paper is aimed at helping technology developers and policymakers plan ahead of time and improving the experiences of students with disabilities.


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