Entropy-guided Retinex anisotropic diffusion algorithm based on partial differential equations (PDE) for illumination correction

by   U. A. Nnolim, et al.

This report describes the experimental results obtained using a proposed variational Retinex algorithm for controlled illumination correction. Two colour restoration and enhancement schemes of the algorithm are presented for drastically improved results. The algorithm modifies the reflectance image using global and local contrast enhancement approaches and gradually removes the residual illumination to yield highly pleasing results. The proposed algorithms are optimized by way of simultaneous perceptual quality metric (PQM) stabilization and entropy maximization for fully automated processing solving the problem of determination of stopping time. The usage of the HSI or HSV colour space ensures a unique solution to the optimization problem unlike in the RGB space where there is none (forcing manual selection of number of iteration. The proposed approach preserves and enhances details in both bright and dark regions of underexposed images in addition to eliminating the colour distortion, over-exposure in bright image regions, halo effect and grey-world violations observed in Retinex-based approaches. Extensive experiments indicate consistent performance as the proposed approach exploits and augments the advantages of PDE-based formulation, performing illumination correction, colour enhancement correction and restoration, contrast enhancement and noise suppression. Comparisons shows that the proposed approach surpasses most of the other conventional algorithms found in the literature.


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