Ensemble Risk Modeling Method for Robust Learning on Scarce Data

by   Marina Sapir, et al.

In medical risk modeling, typical data are "scarce": they have relatively small number of training instances (N), censoring, and high dimensionality (M). We show that the problem may be effectively simplified by reducing it to bipartite ranking, and introduce new bipartite ranking algorithm, Smooth Rank, for robust learning on scarce data. The algorithm is based on ensemble learning with unsupervised aggregation of predictors. The advantage of our approach is confirmed in comparison with two "gold standard" risk modeling methods on 10 real life survival analysis datasets, where the new approach has the best results on all but two datasets with the largest ratio N/M. For systematic study of the effects of data scarcity on modeling by all three methods, we conducted two types of computational experiments: on real life data with randomly drawn training sets of different sizes, and on artificial data with increasing number of features. Both experiments demonstrated that Smooth Rank has critical advantage over the popular methods on the scarce data; it does not suffer from overfitting where other methods do.


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