Ensemble-Based Experimental Design for Targeted High-Resolution Simulations to Inform Climate Models

by   Oliver R. A. Dunbar, et al.

Targeted high-resolution simulations driven by a general circulation model (GCM) can be used to calibrate GCM parameterizations of processes that are globally unresolvable but can be resolved in limited-area simulations. This raises the question of where to place high-resolution simulations to be maximally informative about the uncertain parameterizations in the global model. Here we construct an ensemble-based parallel algorithm to locate regions that maximize the uncertainty reduction, or information gain, in the uncertainty quantification of GCM parameters with regional data. The algorithm is based on a Bayesian framework that exploits a quantified posterior distribution on GCM parameters as a measure of uncertainty. The algorithm is embedded in the recently developed calibrate-emulate-sample (CES) framework, which performs efficient model calibration and uncertainty quantification with only O(10^2) forward model evaluations, compared with O(10^5) forward model evaluations typically needed for traditional approaches to Bayesian calibration. We demonstrate the algorithm with an idealized GCM, with which we generate surrogates of high-resolution data. In this setting, we calibrate parameters and quantify uncertainties in a quasi-equilibrium convection scheme. We consider (i) localization in space for a statistically stationary problem, and (ii) localization in space and time for a seasonally varying problem. In these proof-of-concept applications, the calculated information gain reflects the reduction in parametric uncertainty obtained from Bayesian inference when harnessing a targeted sample of data. The largest information gain results from regions near the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and indeed the algorithm automatically targets these regions for data collection.


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