Enhanced Membership Inference Attacks against Machine Learning Models

by   Jiayuan Ye, et al.

How much does a given trained model leak about each individual data record in its training set? Membership inference attacks are used as an auditing tool to quantify the private information that a model leaks about the individual data points in its training set. Membership inference attacks are influenced by different uncertainties that an attacker has to resolve about training data, the training algorithm, and the underlying data distribution. Thus attack success rates, of many attacks in the literature, do not precisely capture the information leakage of models about their data, as they also reflect other uncertainties that the attack algorithm has. In this paper, we explain the implicit assumptions and also the simplifications made in prior work using the framework of hypothesis testing. We also derive new attack algorithms from the framework that can achieve a high AUC score while also highlighting the different factors that affect their performance. Our algorithms capture a very precise approximation of privacy loss in models, and can be used as a tool to perform an accurate and informed estimation of privacy risk in machine learning models. We provide a thorough empirical evaluation of our attack strategies on various machine learning tasks and benchmark datasets.


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