Enhanced K-Radar: Optimal Density Reduction to Improve Detection Performance and Accessibility of 4D Radar Tensor-based Object Detection

by   Dong-Hee Paek, et al.

Recent works have shown the superior robustness of four-dimensional (4D) Radar-based three-dimensional (3D) object detection in adverse weather conditions. However, processing 4D Radar data remains a challenge due to the large data size, which require substantial amount of memory for computing and storage. In previous work, an online density reduction is performed on the 4D Radar Tensor (4DRT) to reduce the data size, in which the density reduction level is chosen arbitrarily. However, the impact of density reduction on the detection performance and memory consumption remains largely unknown. In this paper, we aim to address this issue by conducting extensive hyperparamter tuning on the density reduction level. Experimental results show that increasing the density level from 0.01 level proportionally improves the detection performance, at a cost of memory consumption. However, when the density level is increased beyond 5 memory consumption increases, while the detection performance oscillates below the peak point. In addition to the optimized density hyperparameter, we also introduce 4D Sparse Radar Tensor (4DSRT), a new representation for 4D Radar data with offline density reduction, leading to a significantly reduced raw data size. An optimized development kit for training the neural networks is also provided, which along with the utilization of 4DSRT, improves training speed by a factor of 17.1 compared to the state-of-the-art 4DRT-based neural networks. All codes are available at: https://github.com/kaist-avelab/K-Radar.


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