Energy-saving Cross-layer Optimization of Big Data Transfer Based on Historical Log Analysis

by   Lavone Rodolph, et al.

With the proliferation of data movement across the Internet, global data traffic per year has already exceeded the Zettabyte scale. The network infrastructure and end-systems facilitating the vast data movement consume an extensive amount of electricity, measured in terawatt-hours per year. This massive energy footprint costs the world economy billions of dollars partially due to energy consumed at the network end-systems. Although extensive research has been done on managing power consumption within the core networking infrastructure, there is little research on reducing the power consumption at the end-systems during active data transfers. This paper presents a novel cross-layer optimization framework, called Cross-LayerHLA, to minimize energy consumption at the end-systems by applying machine learning techniques to historical transfer logs and extracting the hidden relationships between different parameters affecting both the performance and resource utilization. It utilizes offline analysis to improve online learning and dynamic tuning of application-level and kernel-level parameters with minimal overhead. This approach minimizes end-system energy consumption and maximizes data transfer throughput. Our experimental results show that Cross-LayerHLA outperforms other state-of-the-art solutions in this area.


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