End-to-end Two-dimensional Sound Source Localization With Ad-hoc Microphone Arrays

by   Yijun Gong, et al.

Conventional sound source localization methods are mostly based on a single microphone array that consists of multiple microphones. They are usually formulated as the estimation of the direction of arrival problem. In this paper, we propose a deep-learning-based end-to-end sound source localization method with ad-hoc microphone arrays, where an ad-hoc microphone array is a set of randomly distributed microphone arrays that collaborate with each other. It can produce two-dimensional locations of speakers with only a single microphone per node. Specifically, we divide a targeted indoor space into multiple local areas. We encode each local area by a one-hot code, therefore, the node and speaker locations can be represented by the one-hot codes. Accordingly, the sound source localization problem is formulated as such a classification task of recognizing the one-hot code of the speaker given the one hot codes of the microphone nodes and their speech recordings. An end-to-end spatial-temporal deep model is designed for the classification problem. It utilizes a spatial-temporal attention architecture with a fusion layer inserted in the middle of the architecture, which is able to handle arbitrarily different numbers of microphone nodes during the model training and test. Experimental results show that the proposed method yields good performance in highly reverberant and noisy environments.


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