Enabling a Cooperative Driver Messenger System for Lane Change Assistance Application

by   Ghayoor Shah, et al.

Sensor data and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication can greatly assist Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) in situational awareness and provide a safer driving experience. While sensor data recorded from devices such as radar and camera can assist in local awareness in the close vicinity of the Host Vehicle (HV), the information obtained is useful solely for the HV itself. On the other hand, V2X communication can allow CAVs to communicate with each other and transceive basic and/or advanced safety information, allowing each CAV to create a sophisticated local object map for situational awareness. This paper introduces a point-to-point Driver Messenger System (DMS) that regularly maintains a local object map of the HV and uses it to convey HV's Over-the-Air (OTA) Driver Intent Messages (DIMs) to nearby identified Target Vehicle(s) (TV(s)) based on a list of pre-defined common traffic applications. The focus of this paper is on the lane change application where DMS can use the local object map to automatically identify closest TV in adjacent lane in the direction of HV's intended lane change and inform the TV via a DIM. Within DMS, the paper proposes a TV recognition algorithm for lane change application that utilizes the HV's Path History (PH) to accurately determine the closest TV that could potentially benefit from receiving a DIM from HV. Finally, DMS is also shown to act as an advanced warning system by providing extra time and space headway measurements between the HV and TVs upon a number of simulated lane change scenarios.


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