EfficientSpeech: An On-Device Text to Speech Model

by   Rowel Atienza, et al.

State of the art (SOTA) neural text to speech (TTS) models can generate natural-sounding synthetic voices. These models are characterized by large memory footprints and substantial number of operations due to the long-standing focus on speech quality with cloud inference in mind. Neural TTS models are generally not designed to perform standalone speech syntheses on resource-constrained and no Internet access edge devices. In this work, an efficient neural TTS called EfficientSpeech that synthesizes speech on an ARM CPU in real-time is proposed. EfficientSpeech uses a shallow non-autoregressive pyramid-structure transformer forming a U-Network. EfficientSpeech has 266k parameters and consumes 90 MFLOPS only or about 1 computation in modern compact models such as Mixer-TTS. EfficientSpeech achieves an average mel generation real-time factor of 104.3 on an RPi4. Human evaluation shows only a slight degradation in audio quality as compared to FastSpeech2.


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