Efficient Semantic Segmentation by Altering Resolutions for Compressed Videos

by   Yubin Hu, et al.

Video semantic segmentation (VSS) is a computationally expensive task due to the per-frame prediction for videos of high frame rates. In recent work, compact models or adaptive network strategies have been proposed for efficient VSS. However, they did not consider a crucial factor that affects the computational cost from the input side: the input resolution. In this paper, we propose an altering resolution framework called AR-Seg for compressed videos to achieve efficient VSS. AR-Seg aims to reduce the computational cost by using low resolution for non-keyframes. To prevent the performance degradation caused by downsampling, we design a Cross Resolution Feature Fusion (CReFF) module, and supervise it with a novel Feature Similarity Training (FST) strategy. Specifically, CReFF first makes use of motion vectors stored in a compressed video to warp features from high-resolution keyframes to low-resolution non-keyframes for better spatial alignment, and then selectively aggregates the warped features with local attention mechanism. Furthermore, the proposed FST supervises the aggregated features with high-resolution features through an explicit similarity loss and an implicit constraint from the shared decoding layer. Extensive experiments on CamVid and Cityscapes show that AR-Seg achieves state-of-the-art performance and is compatible with different segmentation backbones. On CamVid, AR-Seg saves 67 with the PSPNet18 backbone while maintaining high segmentation accuracy. Code: https://github.com/THU-LYJ-Lab/AR-Seg.


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