Efficient Obstacle Rearrangement for Object Manipulation Tasks in Cluttered Environments

by   Jinhwi Lee, et al.

We present an algorithm that produces a plan for relocating obstacles in order to grasp a target in clutter by a robotic manipulator without collisions. We consider configurations where objects are densely populated in a constrained and confined space. Thus, there exists no collision-free path for the manipulator without relocating obstacles. Since the problem of planning for object rearrangement has shown to be NP-hard, it is difficult to perform manipulation tasks efficiently which could frequently happen in service domains (e.g., taking out a target from a shelf or a fridge). Our proposed planner employs a collision avoidance scheme which has been widely used in mobile robot navigation. The planner determines an obstacle to be removed quickly in real time. It also can deal with dynamic changes in the configuration (e.g., changes in object poses). Our method is shown to be complete and runs in polynomial time. Experimental results in a realistic simulated environment show that our method improves up to 31


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