Efficient model compression with Random Operation Access Specific Tile (ROAST) hashing

by   Aditya Desai, et al.

Advancements in deep learning are often associated with increasing model sizes. The model size dramatically affects the deployment cost and latency of deep models. For instance, models like BERT cannot be deployed on edge devices and mobiles due to their sheer size. As a result, most advances in Deep Learning are yet to reach the edge. Model compression has sought much-deserved attention in literature across natural language processing, vision, and recommendation domains. This paper proposes a model-agnostic, cache-friendly model compression approach: Random Operation Access Specific Tile (ROAST) hashing. ROAST collapses the parameters by clubbing them through a lightweight mapping. Notably, while clubbing these parameters, ROAST utilizes cache hierarchies by aligning the memory access pattern with the parameter access pattern. ROAST is up to ∼ 25 × faster to train and ∼ 50 × faster to infer than the popular parameter sharing method HashedNet. Additionally, ROAST introduces global weight sharing, which is empirically and theoretically superior to local weight sharing in HashedNet, and can be of independent interest in itself. With ROAST, we present the first compressed BERT, which is 100× - 1000× smaller but does not result in quality degradation. These compression levels on universal architecture like transformers are promising for the future of SOTA model deployment on resource-constrained devices like mobile and edge devices


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