Efficient decoupling schemes for multiscale multicontinuum problems in fractured porous media

by   Maria Vasilyeva, et al.

We consider the coupled system of equations that describe flow in fractured porous media. To describe such types of problems, multicontinuum and multiscale approaches are used. Because in multicontinuum models, the permeability of each continuum has a significant difference, a large number of iterations is required for the solution of the resulting linear system of equations at each time iteration. The presented decoupling technique separates equations for each continuum that can be solved separately, leading to a more efficient computational algorithm with smaller systems and faster solutions. This approach is based on the additive representation of the operator with semi-implicit approximation by time, where the continuum coupling part is taken from the previous time layer. We apply, analyze and numerically investigate decoupled schemes for classical multicontinuum problems in fractured porous media on sufficiently fine grids with finite volume approximation. We show that the decoupled schemes are stable, accurate, and computationally efficient. Next, we extend and investigate this approach for multiscale approximation on the coarse grid using the nonlocal multicontinuum (NLMC) method. In NLMC approximation, we construct similar decoupled schemes with the same continuum separation approach. A numerical investigation is presented for model problems with two and three-continuum in the two-dimensional formulation.


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