Efficient construction of canonical polyadic approximations of tensor networks

by   Karl Pierce, et al.

We consider the problem of constructing a canonical polyadic (CP) decomposition for a tensor network, rather than a single tensor. We illustrate how it is possible to reduce the complexity of constructing an approximate CP representation of the network by leveraging its structure in the course of the CP factor optimization. The utility of this technique is demonstrated for the order-4 Coulomb interaction tensor approximated by 2 order-3 tensors via an approximate generalized square-root (SQ) factorization, such as density fitting or (pivoted) Cholesky. The complexity of constructing a 4-way CP decomposition is reduced from 𝒪(n^4 R_CP) (for the non-approximated Coulomb tensor) to 𝒪(n^3 R_CP) for the SQ-factorized tensor, where n and R_CP are the basis and CP ranks, respectively. This reduces the cost of constructing the CP approximation of 2-body interaction tensors of relevance to accurate many-body electronic structure by up to 2 orders of magnitude for systems with up to 36 atoms studied here. The full 4-way CP approximation of the Coulomb interaction tensor is shown to be more accurate than the known approaches utilizing CP-decomposed SQ factors (also obtained at the 𝒪(n^3 R_CP) cost), such as the algebraic pseudospectral and tensor hypercontraction approaches. The CP decomposed SQ factors can also serve as a robust initial guess for the 4-way CP factors.


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