edge2vec: Learning Node Representation Using Edge Semantics

by   Zheng Gao, et al.

Representation learning for networks provides a new way to mine graphs. Although current researches in this area are able to generate reliable results of node embeddings, they are still limited to homogeneous networks in which all nodes and edges are of the same type. While, increasingly, graphs are heterogeneous with multiple node- and edge- types in the real world. Existing heterogeneous embedding methods are mostly task-based or only able to deal with limited types of node & edge. To tackle this challenge, in this paper, an edge2vec model is proposed to represent nodes in ways that incorporate edge semantics represented as different edge-types in heterogeneous networks. An edge-type transition matrix is optimized from an Expectation-Maximization (EM) framework as an extra criterion of a biased node random walk on networks, and a biased skip-gram model is leveraged to learn node embeddings based on the random walks afterwards. edge2vec is validated and evaluated using three medical domain problems on an ensemble of complex medical networks (more than 10 node- & edge- types): medical entity classification, compound-gene binding prediction, and medical information searching cost. Results show that by considering edge semantics, edge2vec significantly outperforms other state-of-art models on all three tasks.


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