Dynamical Hyperspectral Unmixing with Variational Recurrent Neural Networks

by   Ricardo Augusto Borsoi, et al.

Multitemporal hyperspectral unmixing (MTHU) is a fundamental tool in the analysis of hyperspectral image sequences. It reveals the dynamical evolution of the materials (endmembers) and of their proportions (abundances) in a given scene. However, adequately accounting for the spatial and temporal variability of the endmembers in MTHU is challenging, and has not been fully addressed so far in unsupervised frameworks. In this work, we propose an unsupervised MTHU algorithm based on variational recurrent neural networks. First, a stochastic model is proposed to represent both the dynamical evolution of the endmembers and their abundances, as well as the mixing process. Moreover, a new model based on a low-dimensional parametrization is used to represent spatial and temporal endmember variability, significantly reducing the amount of variables to be estimated. We propose to formulate MTHU as a Bayesian inference problem. However, the solution to this problem does not have an analytical solution due to the nonlinearity and non-Gaussianity of the model. Thus, we propose a solution based on deep variational inference, in which the posterior distribution of the estimated abundances and endmembers is represented by using a combination of recurrent neural networks and a physically motivated model. The parameters of the model are learned using stochastic backpropagation. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms state of the art MTHU algorithms.


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