Dynamic Time Warping Under Translation: Approximation Guided by Space-Filling Curves

by   Karl Bringmann, et al.

The Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) distance is a popular measure of similarity for a variety of sequence data. For comparing polygonal curves π, σ in ℝ^d, it provides a robust, outlier-insensitive alternative to the Fréchet distance. However, like the Fréchet distance, the DTW distance is not invariant under translations. Can we efficiently optimize the DTW distance of π and σ under arbitrary translations, to compare the curves' shape irrespective of their absolute location? There are surprisingly few works in this direction, which may be due to its computational intricacy: For the Euclidean norm, this problem contains as a special case the geometric median problem, which provably admits no exact algebraic algorithm (that is, no algorithm using only addition, multiplication, and k-th roots). We thus investigate exact algorithms for non-Euclidean norms as well as approximation algorithms for the Euclidean norm: - For the L_1 norm in ℝ^d, we provide an 𝒪(n^2(d+1))-time algorithm, i.e., an exact polynomial-time algorithm for constant d. Here and below, n bounds the curves' complexities. - For the Euclidean norm in ℝ^2, we show that a simple problem-specific insight leads to a (1+ε)-approximation in time 𝒪(n^3/ε^2). We then show how to obtain a subcubic 𝒪(n^2.5/ε^2) time algorithm with significant new ideas; this time comes close to the well-known quadratic time barrier for computing DTW for fixed translations. Technically, the algorithm is obtained by speeding up repeated DTW distance estimations using a dynamic data structure for maintaining shortest paths in weighted planar digraphs. Crucially, we show how to traverse a candidate set of translations using space-filling curves in a way that incurs only few updates to the data structure.


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