Dynamic Output Feedback Guaranteed-Cost Synchronization for Multiagent Networks with Given Cost Budgets

by   Jianxiang Xi, et al.

The current paper addresses the distributed guaranteed-cost synchronization problems for general high-order linear multiagent networks. Existing works on the guaranteed-cost synchronization usually require all state information of neighboring agents and cannot give the cost budget previously. For both leaderless and leader-following interaction topologies, the current paper firstly proposes a dynamic output feedback synchronization protocol with guaranteed-cost constraints, which can realize the tradeoff design between the energy consumption and the synchronization regulation performance with the given cost budget. Then, according to different structure features of interaction topologies, leaderless and leader-following guaranteed-cost synchronization analysis and design criteria are presented, respectively, and an algorithm is proposed to deal with the impacts of nonlinear terms by using both synchronization analysis and design criteria. Especially, an explicit expression of the synchronization function is shown for leaderless cases, which is independent of protocol states and the given cost budget. Finally, numerical examples are presented to demonstrate theoretical results.


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