DwinFormer: Dual Window Transformers for End-to-End Monocular Depth Estimation

by   Md Awsafur Rahman, et al.

Depth estimation from a single image is of paramount importance in the realm of computer vision, with a multitude of applications. Conventional methods suffer from the trade-off between consistency and fine-grained details due to the local-receptive field limiting their practicality. This lack of long-range dependency inherently comes from the convolutional neural network part of the architecture. In this paper, a dual window transformer-based network, namely DwinFormer, is proposed, which utilizes both local and global features for end-to-end monocular depth estimation. The DwinFormer consists of dual window self-attention and cross-attention transformers, Dwin-SAT and Dwin-CAT, respectively. The Dwin-SAT seamlessly extracts intricate, locally aware features while concurrently capturing global context. It harnesses the power of local and global window attention to adeptly capture both short-range and long-range dependencies, obviating the need for complex and computationally expensive operations, such as attention masking or window shifting. Moreover, Dwin-SAT introduces inductive biases which provide desirable properties, such as translational equvariance and less dependence on large-scale data. Furthermore, conventional decoding methods often rely on skip connections which may result in semantic discrepancies and a lack of global context when fusing encoder and decoder features. In contrast, the Dwin-CAT employs both local and global window cross-attention to seamlessly fuse encoder and decoder features with both fine-grained local and contextually aware global information, effectively amending semantic gap. Empirical evidence obtained through extensive experimentation on the NYU-Depth-V2 and KITTI datasets demonstrates the superiority of the proposed method, consistently outperforming existing approaches across both indoor and outdoor environments.


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