Dutch Humor Detection by Generating Negative Examples

by   Thomas Winters, et al.

Detecting if a text is humorous is a hard task to do computationally, as it usually requires linguistic and common sense insights. In machine learning, humor detection is usually modeled as a binary classification task, trained to predict if the given text is a joke or another type of text. Rather than using completely different non-humorous texts, we propose using text generation algorithms for imitating the original joke dataset to increase the difficulty for the learning algorithm. We constructed several different joke and non-joke datasets to test the humor detection abilities of different language technologies. In particular, we compare the humor detection capabilities of classic neural network approaches with the state-of-the-art Dutch language model RobBERT. In doing so, we create and compare the first Dutch humor detection systems. We found that while other language models perform well when the non-jokes came from completely different domains, RobBERT was the only one that was able to distinguish jokes from generated negative examples. This performance illustrates the usefulness of using text generation to create negative datasets for humor recognition, and also shows that transformer models are a large step forward in humor detection.


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