DualHGNN: A Dual Hypergraph Neural Network for Semi-Supervised Node Classification based on Multi-View Learning and Density Awareness

by   Jianpeng Liao, et al.

Graph-based semi-supervised node classification has been shown to become a state-of-the-art approach in many applications with high research value and significance. Most existing methods are only based on the original intrinsic or artificially established graph structure which may not accurately reflect the "true" correlation among data and are not optimal for semi-supervised node classification in the downstream graph neural networks. Besides, while existing graph-based methods mostly utilize the explicit graph structure, some implicit information, for example, the density information, can also provide latent information that can be further exploited. To address these limitations, this paper proposes the Dual Hypergraph Neural Network (DualHGNN), a new dual connection model integrating both hypergraph structure learning and hypergraph representation learning simultaneously in a unified architecture. The DualHGNN first leverages a multi-view hypergraph learning network to explore the optimal hypergraph structure from multiple views, constrained by a consistency loss proposed to improve its generalization. Then, DualHGNN employs a density-aware hypergraph attention network to explore the high-order semantic correlation among data points based on the density-aware attention mechanism. Extensive experiments are conducted in various benchmark datasets, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


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