Domain shifts in dermoscopic skin cancer datasets: Evaluation of essential limitations for clinical translation

by   Katharina Fogelberg, et al.

The limited ability of Convolutional Neural Networks to generalize to images from previously unseen domains is a major limitation, in particular, for safety-critical clinical tasks such as dermoscopic skin cancer classification. In order to translate CNN-based applications into the clinic, it is essential that they are able to adapt to domain shifts. Such new conditions can arise through the use of different image acquisition systems or varying lighting conditions. In dermoscopy, shifts can also occur as a change in patient age or occurence of rare lesion localizations (e.g. palms). These are not prominently represented in most training datasets and can therefore lead to a decrease in performance. In order to verify the generalizability of classification models in real world clinical settings it is crucial to have access to data which mimics such domain shifts. To our knowledge no dermoscopic image dataset exists where such domain shifts are properly described and quantified. We therefore grouped publicly available images from ISIC archive based on their metadata (e.g. acquisition location, lesion localization, patient age) to generate meaningful domains. To verify that these domains are in fact distinct, we used multiple quantification measures to estimate the presence and intensity of domain shifts. Additionally, we analyzed the performance on these domains with and without an unsupervised domain adaptation technique. We observed that in most of our grouped domains, domain shifts in fact exist. Based on our results, we believe these datasets to be helpful for testing the generalization capabilities of dermoscopic skin cancer classifiers.


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