Domain Composition and Attention for Unseen-Domain Generalizable Medical Image Segmentation

by   Ran Gu, et al.

Domain generalizable model is attracting increasing attention in medical image analysis since data is commonly acquired from different institutes with various imaging protocols and scanners. To tackle this challenging domain generalization problem, we propose a Domain Composition and Attention-based network (DCA-Net) to improve the ability of domain representation and generalization. First, we present a domain composition method that represents one certain domain by a linear combination of a set of basis representations (i.e., a representation bank). Second, a novel plug-and-play parallel domain preceptor is proposed to learn these basis representations and we introduce a divergence constraint function to encourage the basis representations to be as divergent as possible. Then, a domain attention module is proposed to learn the linear combination coefficients of the basis representations. The result of linear combination is used to calibrate the feature maps of an input image, which enables the model to generalize to different and even unseen domains. We validate our method on public prostate MRI dataset acquired from six different institutions with apparent domain shift. Experimental results show that our proposed model can generalize well on different and even unseen domains and it outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the multi-domain prostate segmentation task.


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