Distribution shift mitigation at test time with performance guarantees

by   Rui Ding, et al.

Due to inappropriate sample selection and limited training data, a distribution shift often exists between the training and test sets. This shift can adversely affect the test performance of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). Existing approaches mitigate this issue by either enhancing the robustness of GNNs to distribution shift or reducing the shift itself. However, both approaches necessitate retraining the model, which becomes unfeasible when the model structure and parameters are inaccessible. To address this challenge, we propose FR-GNN, a general framework for GNNs to conduct feature reconstruction. FRGNN constructs a mapping relationship between the output and input of a well-trained GNN to obtain class representative embeddings and then uses these embeddings to reconstruct the features of labeled nodes. These reconstructed features are then incorporated into the message passing mechanism of GNNs to influence the predictions of unlabeled nodes at test time. Notably, the reconstructed node features can be directly utilized for testing the well-trained model, effectively reducing the distribution shift and leading to improved test performance. This remarkable achievement is attained without any modifications to the model structure or parameters. We provide theoretical guarantees for the effectiveness of our framework. Furthermore, we conduct comprehensive experiments on various public datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of FRGNN in comparison to mainstream methods.


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