Distributed Secret Sharing over a Public Channel from Correlated Random Variables

by   Remi A. Chou, et al.

We consider a secret-sharing model where a dealer distributes the shares of a secret among a set of participants with the constraint that only predetermined subsets of participants must be able to reconstruct the secret by pooling their shares. Our study generalizes Shamir's secret-sharing model in three directions. First, we allow a joint design of the protocols for the creation of the shares and the distribution of the shares, instead of constraining the model to independent designs. Second, instead of assuming that the participants and the dealer have access to information-theoretically secure channels at no cost, we assume that they have access to a public channel and correlated randomness. Third, motivated by a wireless network setting where the correlated randomness is obtained from channel gain measurements, we explore a setting where the dealer is an entity made of multiple sub-dealers. Our main results are inner and outer regions for the achievable secret rates that the dealer and the participants can obtain in this model. To this end, we develop two new achievability techniques, a first one to successively handle reliability and security constraints in a distributed setting, and a second one to reduce a multi-dealer setting to multiple single-user dealer settings. Our results yield the capacity region for threshold access structures when the correlated randomness corresponds to pairwise secret keys shared between each sub-dealer and each participant, and the capacity for the all-or-nothing access structure in the presence of a single dealer and arbitrarily correlated randomness.


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