Distributed Online Rollout for Multivehicle Routing in Unmapped Environments

by   Jamison W. Weber, et al.

In this work we consider a generalization of the well-known multivehicle routing problem: given a network, a set of agents occupying a subset of its nodes, and a set of tasks, we seek a minimum cost sequence of movements subject to the constraint that each task is visited by some agent at least once. The classical version of this problem assumes a central computational server that observes the entire state of the system perfectly and directs individual agents according to a centralized control scheme. In contrast, we assume that there is no centralized server and that each agent is an individual processor with no a priori knowledge of the underlying network (including task and agent locations). Moreover, our agents possess strictly local communication and sensing capabilities (restricted to a fixed radius around their respective locations), aligning more closely with several real-world multiagent applications. These restrictions introduce many challenges that are overcome through local information sharing and direct coordination between agents. We present a fully distributed, online, and scalable reinforcement learning algorithm for this problem whereby agents self-organize into local clusters and independently apply a multiagent rollout scheme locally to each cluster. We demonstrate empirically via extensive simulations that there exists a critical sensing radius beyond which the distributed rollout algorithm begins to improve over a greedy base policy. This critical sensing radius grows proportionally to the log^* function of the size of the network, and is, therefore, a small constant for any relevant network. Our decentralized reinforcement learning algorithm achieves approximately a factor of two cost improvement over the base policy for a range of radii bounded from below and above by two and three times the critical sensing radius, respectively.


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