Distributed Leader Following of an Active Leader in Formation for Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems

by   Yi-Fan Chung, et al.

This paper considers a leader-following problem for a group of heterogeneous linear time invariant (LTI) followers that are interacting over a directed acyclic graph. Only a subset of the followers has access to the state of the leader in specific sampling times. The dynamics of the leader that generates its sampled states is unknown to the followers. For interaction topologies in which the leader is a global sink in the graph, we propose a distributed algorithm that allows the followers to arrive at the sampled state of the leader by the time the next sample arrives. Our algorithm is a practical solution for a leader-following problem when there is no information available about the state of the leader except its instantaneous value at the sampling times. Our algorithm also allows the followers to track the sampled state of the leader with a locally chosen offset, which enables them to form a formation about the state of the leader. The offset and the formation form can be time-varying. We prove that the control input of the followers to take them from one sampled state to the next one is minimum energy. We also show in case of the homogeneous followers, after the first sampling epoch the states and inputs of all the followers are synchronized with each other. Numerical examples demonstrate our results.


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