Distributed Edge Connectivity in Sublinear Time

by   Mohit Daga, et al.

We present the first sublinear-time algorithm for a distributed message-passing network sto compute its edge connectivity λ exactly in the CONGEST model, as long as there are no parallel edges. Our algorithm takes Õ(n^1-1/353D^1/353+n^1-1/706) time to compute λ and a cut of cardinality λ with high probability, where n and D are the number of nodes and the diameter of the network, respectively, and Õ hides polylogarithmic factors. This running time is sublinear in n (i.e. Õ(n^1-ϵ)) whenever D is. Previous sublinear-time distributed algorithms can solve this problem either (i) exactly only when λ=O(n^1/8-ϵ) [Thurimella PODC'95; Pritchard, Thurimella, ACM Trans. Algorithms'11; Nanongkai, Su, DISC'14] or (ii) approximately [Ghaffari, Kuhn, DISC'13; Nanongkai, Su, DISC'14]. To achieve this we develop and combine several new techniques. First, we design the first distributed algorithm that can compute a k-edge connectivity certificate for any k=O(n^1-ϵ) in time Õ(√(nk)+D). Second, we show that by combining the recent distributed expander decomposition technique of [Chang, Pettie, Zhang, SODA'19] with techniques from the sequential deterministic edge connectivity algorithm of [Kawarabayashi, Thorup, STOC'15], we can decompose the network into a sublinear number of clusters with small average diameter and without any mincut separating a cluster (except the `trivial' ones). Finally, by extending the tree packing technique from [Karger STOC'96], we can find the minimum cut in time proportional to the number of components. As a byproduct of this technique, we obtain an Õ(n)-time algorithm for computing exact minimum cut for weighted graphs.


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