Distributed and Asynchronous Operational Optimization of Networked Microgrids

by   Nima Nikmehr, et al.

Smart programmable microgrids (SPM) is an emerging technology for making microgrids more software-defined and less hardware-independent such that converting distributed energy resources (DERs) to networked community microgrids becomes affordable, autonomic, and secure. As one of the cornerstones of SPM, this paper pioneers a concept of software-defined operation optimization for networked microgrids, where operation objectives, grid connection, and DER participation will be defined by software and plug-and-play, and can be quickly reconfigured, based on the development of modularized and tightened models and a novel asynchronous price-based decomposition-and-coordination method. Key contributions include: (1) design the architecture of the operational optimization of networked microgrids which can be readily implemented to ensure the programmability of islanded microgrids in solving the distributed optimization models, (2) realize a novel discrete model of droop controller, and (3) introduce a powerful distributed and asynchronous method Distributed and Asynchronous Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation (DA-SLR) to efficiently coordinate microgrids asynchronously. Two case studies are tested to demonstrate the efficiency of developed DA-SLR, and specifically, the testing results show the superiority of DA-SLR as compared to previous methods such as ADMM.


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