Discussion of Features for Acoustic Anomaly Detection under Industrial Disturbing Noise in an End-of-Line Test of Geared Motors

by   Peter Wissbrock, et al.

In the end-of-line test of geared motors, the evaluation of product qual-ity is important. Due to time constraints and the high diversity of variants, acous-tic measurements are more economical than vibration measurements. However, the acoustic data is affected by industrial disturbing noise. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the robustness of features used for anomaly detection in geared motor end-of-line testing. A real-world dataset with typical faults and acoustic disturbances is recorded by an acoustic array. This includes industrial noise from the production and systematically produced disturbances, used to compare the robustness. Overall, it is proposed to apply features extracted from a log-envelope spectrum together with psychoacoustic features. The anomaly de-tection is done by using the isolation forest or the more universal bagging random miner. Most disturbances can be circumvented, while the use of a hammer or air pressure often causes problems. In general, these results are important for condi-tion monitoring tasks that are based on acoustic or vibration measurements. Fur-thermore, a real-world problem description is presented to improve common sig-nal processing and machine learning tasks.


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