Digraph Networks and Groupoids

by   Nyumbu Chishwashwa, et al.

We answer a question posed by Dougherty and Faber in [3], "Network routing on regular directed graphs from spanning factorizations." We prove that every vertex transitive digraph has a spanning factorization; in fact, this is a necessary and sufficient condition. We show that 1-factorization of a regular digraph is closely related to the notion of a Cayley graph of a groupoid and as such, the theorem we prove on spanning factorizations can be translated to a 2006 theorem of Mwambene [4; Theorem 9] on groupoids. We also show that groupoids are a powerful tool for examining network routing on general regular digraphs. We show there is a 1-1 relation between regular connected digraphs of degree d and the Cayley graphs of groupoids (not necessarily associative but with left identity and right cancellation) with d generators. This enables us to provide compact algebraic definitions for some important graphs that are either given as explicit edge lists or as the Cayley coset graphs of groups larger than the graph. One such example is a single expression for the Hoffman-Singleton graph.


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